September 16, 2020 Wednesday

Children's "secret" language: The state secret in the eyes of children is originally like this ~

Information source: Confidential view wechat public account Release time: 2024-06-01


  Dear friends, happy Children's Day!

  In this day full of laughter and laughter, the "secret view" will send the most sincere blessings to the children of the country: May the sun, rain and dew always moisten you, may the happiness of flowers always belong to you, happy growth, health and upward ~

  In the innocent world of children, they must be full of curiosity and imagination for the word "state secret"。In particular, the children of the secret front workers' families, under the influence of their parents, what kind of "secret" language do they have for state secrets and secret work?

  Today, the "View of secrecy" has invited six "secret second generation" from all over the country, let us follow them and open the exploration of "state secrets"


  Hou Jianxi

  Beijing First experimental primary School, grade One

  When I went to visit the Zoological museum, I saw an alligator gar. The interpreter said that it was an exotic species, that they came from abroad and would change the diversity of aquatic life in China, destroy the ecosystem and endanger the national biosecurity。That day, I heard the word "biosecurity" for the first time and learned that biosecurity is an integral part of national security。

  To keep a state secret is to protect national security, and to keep everyone safe。Because state secrets are very important to the state。I saw the slogan "Everyone has the responsibility to keep national secrets" on TV, I am a Chinese, is a young player, to keep secrets for the motherland, for the party to keep secrets, this is a glorious and sacred thing。


  Sun Yinuo

  Grade Two, No. 1 Primary School, Jiangbei New District Education Group, Nanjing, Jiangsu   

  State secrets are "powerful weapons" that must not be known by unrelated people, especially by unrelated countries。Otherwise, they may use this "weapon" to attack our country and cause serious harm。

  Therefore, each of us should protect the state secrets, should not see, should not ask, should not say, should not say, just like our own little secret, can not tell others。

  If you see a powerful weapon or People's Liberation Army uncle, you can't take pictures。If you find someone secretly taking photos, you should report it to the police。If you find something with a secret mark, you should also report it to the police。

  Zhong Yihang

  Grade 6, Zhangjiang Road Primary School, Ganzhou, Jiangxi


  My father is a secrecy worker, he often said that secrecy is to keep state secrets, safeguard national security and interests, is a very sacred thing。

  Through watching movies and television, I learned that during the war years, our ancestors would rather die than surrender to keep the secrets of the Conservative Party secret。In order to build a new China, Qian Xuesen, the father of the missile, kept the contents of his work strictly secret, even from his family。Without national security, there is no security for all of us。

  To plant a secret seed in my heart, to keep national secrets from my childhood。

  Xiao Yunxuan

  Guangdong Shenzhen Nanshan Experimental Education Group Dingtai primary School third grade   


  As a primary school student, I know that everyone has personal privacy, every family, every class has a small secret that cannot be told to others, and every country must also have things that cannot be told to other countries, these things are very important, and they are state secrets。

  There are many high-tech enterprises and financial institutions in Shenzhen, and the state secret may be the research results of these enterprises or the analysis and statistics of economic data. If it is leaked out, it will lead to the threat of the country's scientific and technological research and development capabilities and economic interests, so it is necessary to keep secrets。

  In addition, there are some sentry duty places in Shenzhen, written "military heavy, prohibited entry", if these places are taken photos, videos and posted on the Internet to cause information leakage, it will cause harm to the military security of the country, so it is necessary to keep secret。

  We should understand the law, obey the rules of the young pioneers, do not participate in any activities that may reveal state secrets, but also remind mom and dad, do not talk about state secrets。

  Dong Chunyou

  Ningxia Yinchuan 21st Primary School Hupan Branch fifth grade


  In my opinion, state secrets are complicated, but they can also be very simple。

  Teachers and parents tell us that in life, everyone's home address, phone number and other personal information are private secrets and should not be shared with strangers。Some secrets are very important to the security of the country and its people. They may involve military secrets, commercial secrets, scientific inventions, etc. If they are known by the malicious people, they will do harm to the country。

  It is everyone's responsibility to protect state secrets, even if we do not know the specific contents of secrets, we must abide by the confidentiality rules, not freely spread information that may involve state secrets, and make contributions to national security。


  Cui Jiuling

  Chinese Academy of Sciences Xinjiang Branch kindergarten Class 1  

  Every one of us, every family, has secrets that we can't tell anyone。Our country is one big family, and she has secrets she cannot tell others。

  My father is studying astronomy, listen to my father said that he can not fly drones where he works, if you see someone playing drones where my father works, to tell them that it is wrong to do so, but also immediately tell my father, let my father find a way。

  Keeping state secrets is protecting national security。We are a member of this big family. The security of national secrets cannot be separated from the protection of children. We should be proud of keeping national secrets and make our country stronger。

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