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信息来源:中国贸易报 发布时间:2023-04-19

  一次见面胜过千封邮件。自我国优化调整防疫措施之后,赴外参展成为外贸企业的头等大事。Not only enterprises have taken active action, but government departments and trade promotion agencies have also taken the initiative to play a role in providing services such as group organizing, visa application, charter flights and outreach to help enterprises participate in overseas exhibitions。参加国际上的各类展会,为外贸企业争取订单、开拓市场提供了机遇,也为稳外贸奠定了基础。In this context, the China Trade Think Tank conducted a data sampling analysis of the situation of Chinese enterprises going to overseas exhibitions in the first quarter, in order to better participate in and contribute to the outreach of enterprises, government departments and trade promotion agencies。




  The project team conducted a sample survey of overseas exhibitors in the first quarter of 2023, covering 10028 Chinese enterprises, involving 44 large industries and 646 small industries, including 190 overseas exhibition projects in 38 countries and regions。This report ranks the number of exhibitors in China, and lists the TOP10 countries and exhibitions in terms of the number of Chinese enterprises participating in the exhibition, as well as the TOP10 provinces, cities and enterprise industry categories in terms of the number of overseas exhibitors。总体来看,抽样企业海外参展呈现出以下特征:



  TOP10国家的参展企业数占到了抽样企业总数的99.80%,The 10 countries are: Germany (3,241), the United States (2,816), the United Arab Emirates (1,063), Japan (548), Indonesia (539), Malaysia (452), Italy (417), Russia (374), Thailand (336), and France (222).。






  In the top 10 countries, the number of exhibitors who went to the UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Thailand and other five countries along the "Belt and Road" accounted for 27 of all the sampled exhibitors.56%。


  Among the top 10 countries, the number of exhibitors going to Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and other four RCEP member countries accounted for 18 of all the sampled exhibitors.70%。


  Top10展会展商数量占所有抽样展商比达到了41.47%。In particular, the number of exhibitors from Chinese enterprises in the 2023 International Consumer Electronics Exhibition in Las Vegas, the United States, which ranked first, reached 711, accounting for 11 percent of all sample exhibitors.49%,占TOP10展会展商数量的27.70%。The exhibitions ranked second to tenth in the number of Chinese enterprises participating in the exhibition are: Germany Cologne International Hardware, home, home appliances, horticulture Asia Pacific Procurement Exhibition (457),美国拉斯维加斯国际五金及花园展览会(441家),阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜国际医疗展览会(430家),德国法兰克福国际家用纺织品展览会(428家),意大利博洛尼亚国际美容展览会(386家),德国法兰克福国际春季消费品展览会(378家),泰国曼谷国际集约化畜牧贸易展览会(319家),德国斯图加特国际紧固件展览会(317家),马来西亚吉隆坡国际家具展览会(292家)。















  本报告对不同城市海外参展的重点国别、行业进行了考察。The project team selected 10 cities such as Shenzhen, Ningbo, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Taizhou, Guangzhou, Qingdao, Jinhua, Suzhou and Xiamen as sample analysis,The number of exhibitors in these ten cities is 485, 412, 367, 244, 242, 191, 159, 149, 123, 88。




  The five major industries participating in the exhibition are electronics, electrical, digital and computer, lighting, mobile phones and communications, and the five small industries are other electronics, medical equipment, special lamps, household appliances and power supplies。The top five participating countries are the United States (153), Germany (107), the United Arab Emirates (85), Indonesia (49), and Japan (30).。The top 5 exhibitions are the 2023 Las Vegas International Consumer Electronics Exhibition (91), 2023 Dubai International Medical Exhibition (33), 2023 Nuremberg International Embedded Exhibition in Germany (26), 2023 Jakarta International Lighting Exhibition in Indonesia (26), 2023 Indonesia Jakarta International Solar Technology Exhibition (23)。



  The five major industries participating in the exhibition are hardware, building materials, lighting, engineering machinery and accessories, machinery, and the five small industries are other hardware, plumbing hardware, fastener connectors, HVAC refrigeration, indoor lighting lighting。The top five participating countries are Germany (174), the United States (130), the United Arab Emirates (25), Russia (20) and Italy (20).。The first five exhibitions are 2023 Las Vegas International Hardware and Garden Exhibition (69), 2023 Cologne International Hardware, home, home appliances, horticultural Asia Pacific Procurement Exhibition (59), 2023 Frankfurt International Consumer Goods Exhibition (41), 2023 Frankfurt International sanitary ware, Germany, forHeating and air conditioning Exhibition (20), 2023 Bologna International Beauty Exhibition (20)。



  The five major industries exhibited are machinery, hardware, building materials, construction machinery and accessories, medicine, and the five small industries are medical equipment, fastener connectors, other electronics, door and window hardware, and flooring。The top five participating countries are Germany (145), the United States (78), the United Arab Emirates (30), Japan (25), and France (22).。The top 5 exhibitions are 2023 Frankfurt International Home Textiles Exhibition (19), 2023 Cologne International Hardware, home appliances, horticulture Asia Pacific Procurement Exhibition (18), 2023 Cologne International Dental Exhibition (16), 2023 Frankfurt International Spring Consumer Goods Exhibition (16)), 2023 Germany Nuremberg International Coatings Exhibition (16)。



  The five major industries participating in the exhibition are hardware, building materials, home textiles, medicine, textiles, and the five small industries are decorative home textiles, other textiles, other hardware, bedding, and textile fabrics。The top five participating countries are Germany (125), the United States (49), the United Arab Emirates (20), Indonesia (10) and Malaysia (7).。The top 5 exhibitions are 2023 Frankfurt International Home Textiles Exhibition (50), 2023 Cologne International Hardware, home furnishing, home appliances, horticulture Asia Pacific Procurement Exhibition (24), 2023 Las Vegas International Hardware and Garden Exhibition (18), 2023 Frankfurt International Spring Consumer Goods ExhibitionExhibition (10), 2023 Germany Nuremberg International Coatings Exhibition (10)。



  The five major industries participating in the exhibition are machinery, building materials, hardware, engineering machinery and accessories, auto parts and after-sales, and the five small industries are valves, plumbing hardware, sanitary ware, pumps, HVAC refrigeration。The top five participating countries are Germany (93), the United States (59), Russia (50), Malaysia (14) and Japan (5).。The first five exhibitions are the 2023 Frankfurt International Sanitary Ware, Heating and air Conditioning Exhibition (46), 2023 Las Vegas International Hardware and Garden Exhibition (36), 2023 Moscow International HVAC Sanitary Ware Exhibition (35), 2023 Cologne International Hardware, home, home appliances, horticultural subdivisionProcurement Exhibition (26), 2023 Moscow International Building Materials Exhibition (15)。



  The five major industries participating in the exhibition are beauty and makeup, building materials, electronics, packaging, and medicine, and the five small industries are personal care appliances, household appliances, biological products, medical equipment, and cultural office equipment。The top five participating countries are Germany (59), the United States (33), Italy (28), the United Arab Emirates (16) and Malaysia (12).。The top 5 exhibitions are the 2023 International Beauty Fair in Bologna, Italy (28), the 2023 International Consumer Electronics Fair in Las Vegas, USA (11), the 2023 International Retail Fair in Dusseldorf, Germany (10), the 2023 International Consumer Goods Fair in Frankfurt, Germany (9), 2023 Germany Frankfurt International Sanitary Ware, Heating and Air Conditioning Exhibition (9)。



  The five major industries exhibited are machinery, construction machinery and accessories, auto parts and after-sales, transportation, food, and the five small industries are driving systems, rubber, agricultural machinery, transportation and handling equipment, and other hardware。The top five participating countries are Germany (62), Singapore (32), the United States (27), Thailand (19) and Russia (6).。The first 5 exhibitions are 2023 Singapore Singapore City International Tire Exhibition (31), 2023 Thailand Bangkok International Intensive livestock Trade Exhibition (18), 2023 Germany Cologne International Hardware, home, home appliances, horticulture Asia Pacific Procurement Exhibition (16), 2023 Germany Frankfurt International Home Textiles Exhibition (16)15), 2023 Las Vegas International Hardware and Garden Show (10)。



  The five major industries exhibited are hardware, building materials, general merchandise, machinery, construction machinery and accessories, and the five small industries are other hardware, assembly power tools, plumbing hardware, doors, and household appliances。The top five participating countries are Germany (79), the United States (40), Malaysia (8), Russia (4) and Italy (4).。The first five exhibitions are 2023 Germany Cologne International hardware, home, home appliances, horticulture Asia Pacific Procurement exhibition (47), 2023 Las Vegas International Hardware and Garden Exhibition (28), 2023 Germany Frankfurt International Spring Consumer Goods Exhibition (18), 2023 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur International auto parts and after-salesExhibitions (8), 2023 American International Building Materials Exhibition (5)。



  The five major industries participating in the exhibition are machinery, construction machinery and accessories, building materials, home textiles, electricians, and the five small industries are medical equipment, decorative home textiles, other textiles, other hardware, and other electronics。The top five participating countries are Germany (64), the United States (28), the United Arab Emirates (14), France (6) and Turkey (6).。The top 5 exhibitions are the 2023 Dusseldorf International Retail Fair in Germany (16), 2023 Frankfurt International Home Textiles Exhibition in Germany (13), 2023 Cologne International Hardware, home appliances, horticulture Asia Pacific Procurement Exhibition (9), 2023 Dubai International Medical Exhibition in the United Arab Emirates(8), 2023 Las Vegas International Hardware and Garden Show (7)。



  The five major industries participating in the exhibition are building materials, electrical, hardware, auto parts and after-sales, energy, and the five small industries are solar equipment, stone, plumbing hardware, bathroom, and craft gifts。The top five participating countries are the United States (30), Germany (20), Indonesia (18), Japan (13), and the United Arab Emirates (7).。The first five exhibitions are the 2023 International Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan (10), the 2023 International Building Materials Exhibition in the United States (9), the 2023 International Solar Technology Exhibition in Jakarta, Indonesia (9), the 2023 International Lighting Exhibition in Jakarta, Indonesia (9), and the 2023 German LawFrankfurt International Spring Consumer Goods Fair (6)。




  金砖国家是新兴市场和发展中国家间的重要合作机制,是引领区域乃至全球经济贸易增长的重要力量。In recent years, the economic and trade cooperation between China and the BRICS countries has been deepened and strengthened, making important contributions to improving global economic governance and promoting global economic recovery and sustainable development。本报告对赴金砖国家参展的中企数量也进行了分析。赴金砖国家参展的企业数为612家,占抽样企业总数的6.10%。


  The number of Chinese enterprises participating in the first exhibition is the 2023 Moscow International Building Materials Exhibition in Russia (178), accounting for 40 of the TOP5 exhibition exhibitors in BRICS countries.73%,排名第二到第五的展会分别为2023年俄罗斯莫斯科国际暖通卫浴展览会(100家),2023年印度新德里国际通讯博览会(74家),2023年俄罗斯莫斯科国际食品、饮料及配料展览会(49家),2023年印度国际电力电工设备及技术展览会(36家)。

  In terms of provinces, Zhejiang (119), Guangdong (59), Jiangsu (40), Shandong (23) and Hebei (13) are the TOP5 exhibitors, accounting for 41 percent of the total number of BRICS exhibitors.50%;从城市来看,TOP5城市参展商数量占到了金砖国家展商数量的20.26%, the five cities are: Taizhou (53), Foshan (21), Ningbo (20), Shenzhen (16), Changzhou (14)。

  Top5大行业展商数量占金砖国家展商数量比为58.82%, the five major industries are: building materials (175), hardware (67), construction machinery and accessories (42), electronics (39), machinery (37)。Top5小行业展商数量占金砖国家展商数量比为21.57%, the five small industries are: plumbing hardware (33), bathroom (31), valves (30), other electronics (21), pipe fittings (17)。



  企业赴海外参展是对接客户、创造商机、争取订单的重要手段。随着外贸企业参展意愿的提高,今后赴外参展企业将逐渐增加。According to the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the national trade promotion system has formulated more than 200 plans to organize enterprises to participate in overseas exhibitions in 2023, with an exhibition area of more than 110,000 square meters planned to go overseas。这意味着今年我国外贸发展的基础将日益牢固。为更好发挥海外参展稳外贸的作用,项目组认为可以加强以下三个方面的工作:

  一是紧盯展会密集区域国别,合理安排参展计划。At the executive meeting of The State Council held on April 7, a heavy deployment was made to stabilize foreign trade, which mentioned that "we should find ways to stabilize exports to developed economies and guide enterprises to deeply explore the markets of developing countries and regional markets such as ASEAN.。”要重点聚焦有影响力的展会,合理安排路线,实现“一次出访、多次参展”,提高参展效率。

  二是发挥参展大省强市的作用,带动其余地方企业出展。Large foreign trade provinces and strong cities in the organization of enterprises in the region to participate in the exhibition at the same time, but also need to summarize the experience and lessons of the exhibition in a timely manner, and organize the exhibition sharing and exchange meetings, with other provinces and cities exhibitors to communicate, exchange what they have, or jointly organize the exhibition。

  三是推动产业链参展,提高专精特新企业参展率。When participating in overseas exhibitions, especially comprehensive exhibitions, it is necessary to improve the group enterprise structure, including the upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain, so as to reflect the advantages of China's industrial chain supply chain through participation。This report shows that the proportion of small industry enterprises participating in the exhibition is low, especially fewer enterprises specializing in new fields, which requires local government departments in addition to giving small and medium-sized enterprises participation subsidies, but also need to provide comprehensive exhibition services, including visa, legal advice, advance matching and other services。


  1. 本次调研报告版权属中国贸易报社、中贸智库,采样数据来源知展科技,转载请注明出处。

  2. 本次抽样数据对港澳台地区2023年Q1展会项目和展商数量没有计算在内。



  1. 2023 Las Vegas International Consumer Electronics Show (January 5-8, Las Vegas International Convention Center, USA, once a year)

  2. 2023 Germany Cologne International Hardware, home, home appliances, Horticulture Asia Pacific Procurement Exhibition (January 5-8, Germany Cologne International Exhibition Center, biennial)

  3. 2023 Las Vegas International Hardware and Garden Show (January 31 - February 2, Las Vegas Convention Center, USA, once a year)

  4. 2023年阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜国际医疗展览会(1月30日至2月2日,阿联酋迪拜,每年一届)

  5. 2023 Frankfurt International Home Textiles Exhibition (January 10-13, Frankfurt Exhibition Center, Germany, once a year)

  6. Bologna International Beauty Fair 2023 (March 16-20, Bologna Exhibition Center, Italy, once a year)

  7. 2023 Frankfurt International Consumer Goods Fair (February 2-7, Frankfurt International Exhibition Center, Germany, once a year)

  8. 2023 Bangkok International Intensive Livestock Trade Fair (March 8-10, IMPACT Exhibition Center, Bangkok, Thailand, every two years)

  9. 2023年德国斯图加特国际紧固件展览会(3月21日至23日,德国斯图加特,每年一届)

  10. Kuala Lumpur International Furniture Fair 2023 (March 1-4, Kuala Lumpur International Convention Centre, Malaysia, once a year)













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